Sunday 17 June 2012

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the dads and grandpas out there! I want to wish a very special day to three great father's in my life; my dad, my father-in law and my husband.

My dad is absolutely amazing. Since I was a little girl, we have enjoyed doing so many things together... hiking, skiing, scuba diving, bike riding, even yoga. He has always been happy and willing to do whatever I wanted to do. Growing up he was always available when I needed him. I can't count the number of times I have called him at work to do some type of favour for me. No matter how busy he was, he always did it. Since having kids, he has, not surprisingly, been a huge help. From the time that Sophie started eating solid foods, he has come over a few times a week to make her (and now her and Liam) dinner, feed and bathe them. I always look forward to this time as not only a break, but for a chance to have a visit. He has also, on multiple occasions, come over at 5 am and taken Sophie so that Will and I could sleep:) He is always a phone call away. I love you Dad and thank you for everything.

My father in law is an equally amazing man. Not only did he raise my husband to be who he is, but he is a great father-in law to me. I don't think there are that many women out there who can call up their father in law and ask them to go skiing or riding because I didn't want to go solo. He is always very patient, goes at my speed, and tries to give me tips on how to improve. He has also embraced the Grandpa role and is always available for grandparenting. Will and I can call him and ask him to watch the kids and regardless of what he had planned, he will be there. He is also a great photographer and thanks to him we have many albums, cds and videos filled with fantastic photos of everything from rock climbing to bbqs to Sophie and Liam playing. I am so lucky. Thanks Van!

Last, but not least, my husband. Sophie and Liam are so lucky to have Will as their daddy. From dance parties to playing catch, the kids always have so much fun with Will. Sophie has already figured out that she just has to say in a nice voice, "please daddy" and he will pretty much do anything for her. The smart little cookie that she is, has stopped asking me for things, and just goes straight to Daddy. Liam is a complete Daddy's boy. He just follows Will around constantly. If Will leaves the house without him, he gets so mad. When Will gets home from work and the kids run to the stairs and start giggling waiting for Daddy tickles, is one of the best parts of my day. He always puts the kids (and my) needs first, giving up bike rides to go to the park, or eating salmon every Monday because Sophie asked for it. When we got married, I knew he would be a great dad, but he has far exceeded what I imagined. I love you Will and thank you for being so great with our kids.

We are having a great day today. I'm sure I lost some wife points for staying in bed at 5:20 when Liam got up, but I think I earned them back when Sophie gave Will the father's day card her and Liam made. We took the kids to the park and then came home and played in the back yard. Will's out for a ride right now and then we are going out this afternoon to see friends, so it should be a good day.

On a medical note, I think the blood clot in my arm is gone. It's no longer swollen or painful. The injections aren't as bad as I thought. Will is quite good at giving them and Sophie has started taking part in the process. She holds my hand and sings me songs to distract me. I am still feeling fantastic. The last few days I have had  felt better and had more energy than I have in months. If the weather co-operates, Will and I are hoping to go for a bike ride tomorrow.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Thanks again to everyone for keeping me in their thoughts and prayers.


  1. You are doing amazing Melissa! Soooo happy that things are going well for you and that you feel so good! Keep up the good work! Love and Best Wishes always. Love Auntie Susie

  2. Wonderfully written about all the special men in your life Melissa. You've truly got some awesome guys who would and have done anything for you as mentioned. It's just too bad Van (and Will as a result of Van's propaganda) still cheers for the habs. Oh well, not everyone can be as perfect as us Leaf fans!

    It is so uplifting to hear of how well your treatment and recovery are going. From chemo to blood clot needles, nothing seems to shake your outlook, which is fantastic. All those dirty diaper changes have no doubt made you a very resillient and tough lady!!
    Keep being you kiddo!
