It hit me yesterday as I was walking with my iv cart to the washroom, how did this become normal? I shouldn't complain as the chemo is working and the side effects aren't that bad, but I am 29 years old, how in the heck has this become part of our lives. I'm hooked up to a bottle with a tube going into my chest and it doesn't bother Sophie at all. She wants to see it and kiss me on my owie and constantly asks what side she can't touch. A 3 year old should not be watching their mom get injections every day and asking to look at the bottle of medicine in the fanny pack.
Okay pity party over. The bright side is that the chemo IS working. 3 out of 4 of my liver enzymes are back in the normal range. The doc said that this would only happen if my liver was functioning properly. So those spots must be either shrinking or disappearing. My 4th enzyme (he told me which one, but I can't remember) is still high but is moving down. He was also very happy that even with the chemo I am feeling better than I have in ages. That is obviously a great sign. I will get a CT scan done after my next treatment. Looking forward to seeing how much progress we have made.
My weight also stayed the same. No weight gain in two weeks, but no weight loss either. I am holding steady at a whopping 123 lbs...As long as I am eating and have energy I can deal with the baggy clothes. My hair is still here too! It's short and gradually thinning,but I'm going to keep it for a bit longer.
I know I talk about food a lot, but some exciting things coming up. My sister made me some muffins with spelt flour and no sugar. What a treat to have a muffin again! We are also getting a dehydrator and Will is going to make some flax seed and sesame seed crackers....inspired from our trips to the raw vegan restaurants. Crackers with home made hummus:) I think we will also be able to make our yam and kale chips in it. Not to mention apple and banana chips and dried mango.
The plan for today is to sleep and eat and rest. Hopefully if I don't over do it I will be back to myself in a couple of days. Thanks again for all the prayers and thoughts. I know that all the positive energy is helping me get better.
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