Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Eating Well

I must say that eating cooked food again is so much fun!! I know some people swear by the raw food diet, but I don't think it is something I could keep up. Over the last week I have really enjoyed what I have been eating.

I am going to try and start eating more beans and lentils. We really have no idea what to do with them, so if anyone has a good recipe that they wouldn't mind passing on I would appreciate it.

I've been (well Will has been), putting Kale in my morning smoothie. It doesn't make it taste bad, but it definitely alters it. I was quite excited when we discovered that we could add it to my daily wheat grass juice. Now I get the Kale and the yummy smoothie:)

We just signed up for a weekly delivery box from Covert Farms. I'm guessing a lot of the stuff is what we would buy anyways, but hopefully there will be some new-to-us veggies in there that we (Will) can learn how to cook.

The best part this week has been adding back in some carbs. Wild rice, quinoa and spelt bread. I have never really been a toast fan, but the first day I added back in the bread, I had 5 pieces. I gave my self one "go nuts" day and now I am limiting it again. YUMMY spread with coconut oil. OOOh and a piece of 85% dark chocolate at the end of the day. Tons of good antioxidants and a tinsy bit of sugar. Sounds good to me!

I have also decided that every once in a while a bite of something won't hurt. We were given some muffins from "The Bench" and I will admit I had a small, well okay maybe a medium, bite of one. It obviously wasn't "good" for me, but the enjoyment I got out of it was worth it.

Okay, well that was a really long post on food I'm eating. You probably didn't need to know all that.


  1. Hi Team Pratt

    Greetings from South Africa. (good friend of Chris and Lisa's)

    An amazing website for vegan/raw/green smoothies is Filled with ways to make all that food tasty.

    Hope it helps. You guys have been in my thoughts.

  2. Good for you Melissa! Kale is such a super-food, I am so happy that you are incorporating it into your smoothie's! Something I put in my Smoothie everyday is Spinach, so if you ever feel like leaving the Kale out put in Spinach, you won't even know it's there! Also glad to hear that you are eating bread again - as you want to try and put some weight back on and there is so much you can put on bread (or better yet - toast). Keep up the GREAT work! Love From Auntie Susie

  3. Hi Melissa,
    The end of the school year is near. You remember how that goes? Everyone is anxious to get to summer and finished with their classes. Its been a wierd year with the strike action. I hope that its all fixed in September. You sound great! Thanks for all the inspiring food talk. I went to a raw foods workshop and learned a lot, bought a book on how to incorporate more into our diets. We are what we eat and I bet you never imagined how much you were going to learn about food! nor how you would inspire others to think about it, and all the great tips and websites that will get passed along, like the one above! Thanks for writing your blog. Heres a sip of a veggie shake to another good week for you. ttfn. Lori Grant

  4. Hi Melissa!

    Thanks for all the updates! You're inspiring me to (think about) giving up sugar. I'm a junkie! Do you have the Whitewater cookbooks? I love them- they have lots of amazing, flavourful and healthy recipes, many of them vegetarian. The Lemony Lentil soup is delicious. I love the vegie burgers and the Torte Rustica, too. Everything is good!


  5. Another greetings from South Africa!!!! I wish I could be closer to you Melissa and cook something yummy and healthy for you guys!!! glad, you enjoy the food!!! Thinking of you every day!
