Tuesday, 27 November 2012

It's all about the kids

Today is another chemo day. It used to be on Mondays, so yesterday was like a "bonus day". It was great to be able to spend both of Will's days off doing family stuff. Our kids are at the stage where they really want to help. We raked leaves and they each had a little shovel and helped put the leaves in the bag. It was pretty cute. Sophie also wanted to help put up the Christmas lights. We put her in some warm clothes and she stood next to the ladder for a good hour while Will put the lights up. She was so proud of herself. Watching her face light up as we turned to lights on for her was awesome. I wonder how many years they will think helping us is fun?

My parents are taking the kids today while we are at oncology. We are so fortunate that between our parents there is always someone willing and wanting to take our kids. They also make a point of turning chemo days into really fun days for the kids. This makes me so happy. The kids really look forward to these days. Instead of missing us or being scared for Mommy, they are happy to go on an adventure. I think today they are going to Apex and then coming back for Sophie's swim lesson. As soon as they get home, Will's parents are coming over with dinner and to help feed/bath/get ready for bed. Pretty lucky kids to get to hang out with all 4 grandparents in the same day.
Hopefully today goes smoothly for Will and I. We don't see a doctor today, so it might make the day a little shorter. Maybe. We can dream:)
Thank you for your continued prayers, thoughts and messages.

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