Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Magic Wand

Sophie was at a birthday party on the weekend and was given a wand to take home. She has decided it is magic. She does magic on her dolls and sleeps with it so she can do magic in her sleep. The other day as Will was giving me my daily injection, she pointed the wand at my stomach. I asked what she was doing and she said she was making my belly all better. It made me tear up and I hated to disappoint her when she asked, "Is your belly better now? Did my magic wand fix it?"

If only it were that easy. Although I would love to wave a wand and be declared healthy again, in a weird way I am grateful for the cancer. I have learned so much over the past few months, mostly to appreciate all the wonderful things that happen on a daily basis. Overall I am happier and more content with life than I was pre-diagnosis. The small things don't bother me as much anymore and I find that I really don't stress out about things anymore...well except for results of medical tests, but I think that's unavoidable.

Due to my change in diet, my family eats healthier. My kids will grow up eating less processed stuff and more fruits of veggies because of this. I am guessing there aren't a ton of toddlers out there that get excited when I bring home seaweed for a special treat or that drink wheat grass/kale juice on a daily basis. They are also going to grow up with a Mommy and Daddy who cherish and are grateful for every milestone we get to go through. From the first day of preschool to highschool graduation and everything in between, I will be thankful to be a part of it.

At the end of everyday, I go through in my head all the things I am grateful for. The list is huge. Each day is another accumulation of great moments. It sounds so corny and I'm sure some people think I am just saying it, but I would not change anything. There is no other person I would rather be and no other life I would like to live. I think I am pretty darn lucky.


  1. Thanks, Melissa! Look forward to reading your posts as part of my daily routine, so it's like a "prize" when there's a new one! You've inspired me a lot with your own journey and revelations/insights. My own family is eating much healthier, too and I'm going to take more time to consciously list the things I'm thankful for each day, especially the small gifts. So thank you. The lessons you're learning are being passed on.



  2. Melissa, truly - you are an inspiration to all! Your optimistic outlook in finding the good in everything is a great lesson to everyone! I can't tell you how many times I've wished I had a Magic Wand, really - I'm not kidding - I always look at people who I see have struggles in life and always wish that I could just wave a Wand in their direction and make everything all right. Sophie is so cute wanting to make you better, what a thoughtful little girl to think of using it on you. I think we are all "pretty darn lucky" to have you in our lives! Auntie Susie
