Today we started our 4th chemo treatment. When we walked in, we were asked "How are you doing today", our response, "Besides the fact that we're in oncology right now, we're great". Obviously if I could snap my fingers and get rid of the cancer I would, but I don't see this as a bad time in our lives. I am feeling so healthy and have so much energy. I am appreciating everything in my life much more than I did in the past. There is always that little bit of fear in the back of my mind, but most of the time it is far outweighed by happiness.
While we were in the waiting room, we were chatting with another couple, who we have seen during our previous treatments. The man asked me for how long I had been suffering. I really didn't understand the question and thought he meant how long after the chemo am I sick for. It wasn't until his wife clarified it, that I realized he wanted to know how long I had been having chemo treatments. It just made me so thankful for how well my body has been accepting the drugs. I definitely have not been suffering for the last 6 weeks. There have been a few bad days, but over all, especially the last 3 weeks or so, life has been great. I went for a hike with my dad a few days ago, and I think I surprised him that I could keep up.
I was extremely nervous to find out my blood results. I tried to reason with myself that we'd had good results the last few times, it was the same chemo drugs, I am still eating the same good foods and doing my relaxations and going for walks and therefore that I should expect the same results again. It's hard to reason with yourself when you're scared though.
The doctor said that my blood results were continuing to improve. I still have one liver enzyme that is high, but it has lowered once again. He said this was all positive and that we should assume that when I get my ct scan late next week that we will see improvement. As soon as we left that appointment my stress significantly decreased.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. It's a long day of being in and out of the hospital though. Happy to be home now. Hopefully a couple days to rest and recover and make good use of Will being at home for a few days. We just got a dehydrator so I have a long list of things for him to make for me:)
Oh and I almost forgot. On the official scale I was up 1.25lbs!!
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